6 Birthday Gift Items for Children To Shop at Denny’s

It’s that time of the year again!

Your little one is growing, and it’s time to blow candles over another cake. They will invite their friends, you will have your close ones, and everyone will celebrate. Then, sooner, there will come the moment when they will open their presents. 

That is when you wish they would love what you have shopped for them. However, that is still one of the most confusing things to do.

You must look for multiple options, know what they want, and shop. Should it be one of the most recent lunch backpacks or something else? And, will they like that or not?

Don't worry! We have the answers.

In this post, we will walk you through some of the best gift items for your children’s birthday from our collection at Shop Denny’s. Read this post till the end!

Ubongo: The Brain Game

The first on our list is a puzzle game created after the original board game that ruled our hearts. Your child can play this game by themselves or with friends or relatives. This package has 20 puzzle cards comprising over 200 puzzles and 15 colorful tiles. Besides, the game board can double as a travel case. It is also a good workout instrument for your child, as it gets challenging after a certain level. 

Here are more reasons you should reconsider the brain game for your child:

  • It is a blend of fun and learning. 
  • There are higher chances your child will love it, as these games can allure people of all ages and interests.
  • The tech-savvy world has made everyone glued to their screens. This brain game can help them get screen-free time.
  • Once your child sees the accomplishment made after crossing every level, you can see their confidence rising, too.

I Love Camp DIY Jewelry Kit

Check out this amazing DIY Jewelry kit you can gift your little one. This kit comes in a plastic container with one side visible. It has multiple charms in different colors that birthday kids can use to create bracelets and other pieces of jewelry. It also comes with a synthetic thread to bring the jewelry together. There are many benefits associated with choosing it as the ideal gift for a child.

They are:

  • Fostering creativity and imagination.
  • Enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Building a sense of accomplishment in the little one every time they finish building jewelry.
  • Offering a learning and self-exploration period to the little one.

Dope Slime

A dope slime is the ultimate blend of creativity and fun your little one will enjoy. They come in multiple flavors, including bubble gum, ocean bling, banana split, and this one- Cotton Candy Frost. No matter what option you pick, you promise non-toxic and safe ingredients to your little one. Additionally, there can be components like activator, glue, and coloring, while some of them can have fun add-ons sometimes. 

Why Shop For Dope Slime?

  • These fun-loving slimes offer a stimulating sensory experience.
  • These can be molded in different ways, allowing children to be creative.
  • Slimes are relaxing and can be fun-loving.
  • They come with safe ingredients.

Smile Patches Puffer Lunch Bag

We know you often go for back-to-school shopping, bringing lunch bags for your children. But just imagine the smile your little one will have on seeing a new Smile Patches Puffer Lunch Bag. Your child will have their snacks sorted while flaunting their tiffin box. At the same time, you will not have to shop for disposable packaging, saving you money and waste in the landfill. 

Here are other benefits:

  • It has a smart and multi-colored puffed print, making it a fun and functional gear.
  • You can find it a safe, cost-effective option, as your child will be encouraged to pack their tiffins.
  • Children can take on some responsibilities as they grow old by packing their tiffin boxes.
  • They will love it, of course.

Pony Bracelet 

Does your little one love to style and dress up? If yes, then we have an amazing set of Pony Bracelets, a set of 4, to gift them. Each of them comes with glittery rhinestones in different shades. They are tied with rubber bands, which means your child can use these bracelets as a hair tie, too. They can dress up for their friend’s birthday party or style differently with multiple clothing options. 

Know why you should buy them:

  • They are easy to wear and take off, bringing comfort.
  • These bracelets come in multiple colors, giving children various options.
  • These beads come in a standard size, making them easy to handle.
  • Your children get a fancy addition to their collection.

Nightball Night Bat and Ball

A bat and ball set is a great gifting option for your children’s birthday gift options. The set comes with a real-time bat and ball, offering a great way to offer exercise and develop healthy habits, which, as a parent, or caretaker would want for them. The sportsperson in your home can get a foundation for a long-term interest in baseball. 

Here are more benefits associated with gifting a bat and ball:

  • This collection is versatile, allowing them to play in any setting.
  • This nightball night bat and ball can be glowy, making them a standout.
  • Your children will have higher motor development options.
  • An increase in physical activities, what an advantage!


Your love for your little one is undoubtedly pure! And with such emotions, there comes a need for gift options that express your care and concern for them. That’s why we have dedicated this blog to bringing the six best gifting options at Shop Denny’s for them. From a brain game to a pony bracelet, we have curated a collection of everything good and advantageous to your child. Take a look and shop now!