How Can Working Moms Balance Kids' Dressing and Work Schedule?
First things first, every mom has a lot on her plate, with or without a full-time job.
As a mother, your child's overall growth is a leading priority. They are often your first thought in the morning and the last one before bed. While motherhood brings you a rush of emotions, there also comes a need to balance parenting with every other aspect of life. This is especially true if you are a full-time employee, an artist, or an entrepreneur.
It will not be surprising to know that you excel in many aspects of parenting, like your profession. However, there are certain areas to consider. For instance, finding the finest children's wear for your little one, ensuring their dressing schedule, and more. These aspects are important and contribute to your child’s practicality, comfort, expression, and development. However, you do not have to worry about those anymore.
Fortunately, this post is here to help. As the title suggests, we will discuss tips and tricks to balance your work schedule with your child's dressing.
Be Prepared Beforehand
Every morning is a rush hour! You have meals to prepare, meetings to schedule, and whatnot. You cannot leave dressing your children for the last moment. Instead, you can start with the preparation the night before. Your child will be ready without much hassle in the morning.
You can organize your child’s wardrobe for the entire week. You need to arrange the cupboard per day for the whole week ahead. You can also keep the children's wear for special events in a corner of the wardrobe beforehand.
Ensure Everything is Simplified and Sorted
Whoever said simplicity is the best policy said it right! As a mother, you ensure your children have simple outfits and offer them the utmost comfort while making them presentable. Make sure the clothes are not too tight or difficult to take off. Instead, pick easy outfits like zippers or T-shirts.
Here is the thing- if there are too many options for your child’s outfits, there is a high chance you will get confused about what to pick. To avoid that, avoid unnecessarily filling their wardrobe with too many clothes. Just keep some mix-and-match outfits they can wear.
Involve Your Child in Decision
After a certain amount of time, your child will be independent and make their own decision. What if you start it today? Relax! You do not have to let them dress entirely on themselves. Instead, ask for their suggestions and involve them in deciding the clothes they wear the next day.
You should avoid giving your children too many options. Let your child decide one thing out of a pre-decided outfit. For example, what shirts are to be worn with those pants, or what bottoms to wear with those hoodies? You can also take them shopping with you. All you need to do is google kids dress shop near me and hop them on.
Make a Routine
They say ensuring your child knows the discipline and routine is necessary for a parent. Well, this saying fits right in our tips and tricks for dressing your children. After the day ends, your children have to get into their comfortable nightwear, and put their previous outfits for laundry instead of leaving them anywhere they change.
You need to ensure your children have developed a sense of responsibility while selecting the ideal outfits. This will help them learn responsibility, organize things, and be more independent. Offer praises and positive reinforcement every time your little ones do that.
Visual and Weather-Based Charts
While mentioning these tips, we suggested involving your children in their dressing decisions. Let us now tell you how to do that. Start with one step at a time, and once they have mastered that, add more. You can leverage visual aids that tell about dressing steps. This can help children at a young age.
While dressing your child and letting them know how to do that, mention the significance of weather in choosing the outfits. You can also create weather-based charts with pictures of outfits going with them. Remember not to overwhelm your child and begin with some manageable steps. For example, putting socks on.
What Else?
Along with letting your child decide what to wear, you should involve them in suggestions for shopping for them, too. Besides, these days you do not even need to take them to shopping complexes and have them try on all the clothes. You can look for clothes online. Look at the options at Denny’s children’s wear collection only.
During the events when you are making your children decide their outfits, be more interactive. Turn these interactions into fun games so that they love to be a part of it. At the same time, parenting is not your sole responsibility, so you need to divide some of the tasks with your partner. You can ask them to help the child decide what to wear or pick the clothes for them a night prior.